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    If you are interested in our work, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to provide you with further information.

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      If you need any kind of assistance with your RF SPIN product, we will be happy to help you.

        News and updates

        Our latest innovation – the first three antennas with lenses that operate on frequencies ranging from 730 MHz to 40 GHz. 🤯 Our patented technology allows you to achieve up to a 6 dB increase in antenna gain, something you won’t find anywhere else.
        Before the end of last year, we accepted an invitation to Nová Paka, where the company RFspin has its manufacturing plant. This Czech company develops and manufactures cutting-edge broadband antennas for a variety of applications including wireless and satellite communications, and radar systems, and supplies them to leading global companies. In production, it relies on the latest machining equipment, including two Hermle C 400 five-axis precision centers.

        Projekt: RFspin – veletrhy 2024, CZ.01.02.01/04/23_017/0001561 byl spolufinancován Evropskou Unií.

        Meet RF SPIN at this year’s EuCAP 2024, taking place from 17-22 March in Glasgow. We will be showcasing our latest antenna solutions on stand 32.  This event is a key industry gathering for the antenna community and provides a unique opportunity to delve into the latest developments in RF technology.
        AntennaPattern.jl is an open-source package that brings the power of Julia’s speed and flexibility to antenna design and analysis. Whether you are an RF engineer, a researcher, or simply someone fascinated by antennas, this package is designed to help you easily calculate, visualize, and analyze antenna radiation patterns.
        RFspin, a leading provider of microwave components and subsystems, will be showcasing its new line of products at EuMW 2023 in Berlin from 19-21.9. The company’s new products are designed to meet the needs of the most demanding applications.

        See more news


        RFspin s.r.o.
        Na Berance 57/2
        160 00 Prague 6
        Czech Republic